Biotek Mini-VIM PEEK Anchors

Biotek are a leading manufacturer of sports medicine anchors with unique features and a large range of options for any indication.


The Mini-VIM Peek knotless anchors have a variety of indications including Bankart and SLAP repairs of the shoulder, lateral tenodesis procedures of the knee and various stabilisation surgeries of the foot and ankle.


The range comes in 2.8mm, 3mm and 3.5mm and can be optioned to be preloaded with needles and also Biofiber tape for extra strength.


Offering a dual thread for superior cortical fixation, the Mini-VIM anchors are an excellent solution for any procedure requiring strong and simple fixation.

Biotek BIO-VIM

BIO-VIM anchors are a bioabsorbable suture anchor combined with a PEEK tip designed for simple implantation for the attachement of soft tissues to bone.


Combined with the specifically designed suture passers and equipment, BIO-VIM anchors can be used with ease in a variety of arthroscopic procedures.


The lateral row anchors have a simple-to-pass eyelet and are manufactured to be cannulated and vented to encourage bony ingrowth. Primary and medial row anchors come in a range of sizes and suture options and have a dual thread design to improve pull-out strength.

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